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Shakuhachi-fu “KUROKAMI”/Keisuke Zenyoji 尺八善養寺譜 黒髪[5741-1_2]

Zenyoji's Shakuhachi "KUROKAMI" is in musical score!

  Keisuke Zenyoji boasts tremendous popularity for playing the shakuhachi in the Sankyoku Ensemble with his unique melody and expressiveness. The secret of the "beauty" that enhances the song and enlivens the song with the original hand of the shamisen and koto, is generously released in the score!
  The fourth is "KUROKAMI". Two types are available: shakuhachi music(Kinko or Tozan) +
  In the contrasting score, the shamisen part is translated into the shakuhachi notation and written alongside the shakuhachi notation, so it is obvious where and what the shamisen is doing. It should improve your understanding of the song!
  In addition, the song is written in hiragana in red on both the part score and the contrast score. The connection with the song is obvious.The hand-painted parts unique to Zenyoji are written in green.
  For overseas, we will provide it in PDF format. You too can become Keisuke Zenyoji!?


Shakuhachi-fu “KUROKAMI”/Keisuke Zenyoji 尺八善養寺譜 黒髪[5741-1_2]


600円 (非課税)

Style of music:
返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら

KUROKAMI(Koide Ichijuro/Keisuke Zenyoji tetsuke)

[5741-01]The score of Kinko-fu & Shamisen-fu=¥600
[5741-02]The score of Tozan-fu & Shamisen-fu=¥600
